Edgar Degas 138 High Resolution Images Edgar Degas 138 High Resolution Images
Henri Matisse 104 images to download Henri Matisse 104 images to download

Henri Matisse

New in the Public Domain for 2025

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Claude Monet

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Vincent van Gogh

Public Domain Image Library

Our mission is to bring out-of-copyright pictures from both well-known and little-heard-of artists and illustrators to the public eye; pictures that can be used and enjoyed for many years to come.

We’ve got whole collections dedicated to the work of numerous artists & illustrators. All of the images in our collections are out of copyright and in the public domain in the UK, US and all countries that follow the same copyright rules, and therefore can be used as many times as you like without paying any royalties or commissions to anyone.

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Question – What does public domain mean? Read more….

The public domain includes every creative work no longer protected by copyright, trademark or patent. The rights to creative works that are no longer copyright-protected are owned by the general public rather than the original creator. As such, anyone can copy, perform, or otherwise use the work.

Public domain doesn't mean free, but rather free to copy. For example, a book may now be in the public domain but it doesn't mean a bookseller will give it to you for nothing - you will need to pay whatever they are asking if you want that book. After that, you can copy as you wish.

Want to know more about the copyright rules for public domain images? Check out our comprehensive blog post.

Question – Why are you charging for images if they are in the public domain? Read more….

You are paying for access to these images. We continually source images, buy books and publications to scan, and collate pictures into collections for your use. You are of course free to find and research artists and images for yourself if you wish to.

Question – What can I do with the images? Read more….

You can use the images for anything you like – make prints to frame, postcards, posters, greetings cards, background papers for crafting, collage, altered art, calendars, mugs, mouse-mats, t-shirts, fridge-magnets and so much more! Use them in a book, on your website, blog or promotional post on social media.

If you wanted, you could start a whole new business, selling items that you’ve made.

Feel free to sell the products you make on eBay, Etsy, Facebook, your own website, at craft fairs, school fairs, church fairs, in shops – anywhere that there are buyers. Sell for charity, sell for yourself, use the items for educational purposes – let your imagination run wild!

See our Inspiration page for more ideas.

Question - Do I have to credit you when I use your images? Read more....

Although it would be lovely for a credit, it's not necessary.

See our Help page for more questions and answers.