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Snowman, Isaac (1873-1947) - Sunshine & Shadows

Snowman, Isaac (1873-1947) - Sunshine & Shadows

Artwork by Isaac Snowman (1873-1947)

Digital Download - 1 image

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This lovely image features in Ward Lock's Wonder Book from 1918. It depicts a mother and child in dappled sunshine under a tree.

This download features 1 hi-res image, in jpeg format. It is 600dpi and 4790 pixels wide by 3420 pixels tall.

The picture is out of copyright and in the public domain, so you are free to use it in whatever way you'd like, including commercial use.

Isaac Snowman (1873-1947) was an Anglo-Jewish artist who made Jewish cultural themes his subject.

He was educated at the City of London School. In 1890 he entered the Royal Academy School, where he was awarded a medal, and afterward a scholarship in the Institution of British Artists. His interest in Jewish matters was shown through his drawings 'A Difficult Passage in the Talmud' and 'The Blessing of Sabbath Lights', as well as by his 'Early Morning Prayer in the Synagogue'.

His older brother Jacob Snowman was a London medical doctor and prominent mohel, who circumcised Charles, Prince of Wales and possibly other members of the British Royal Family. His younger brother was Emanuel Snowman, the jeweller, politician and community leader.

In 1897 he formed a group of English Jews known as the Maccabaeans, including Israel Zangwill and Herbert Bentwich, which undertook a pilgrimage to Palestine in the same year.

Isaac Snowman was married to Pearl Alexander at the North London Synagogue on 13 September 1898. According to the report in The Times the marriage was never a happy one for the wife owing to the husband's exaggerated views on the subject of "wifely obedience." They lived in Algiers and Hampstead, and after their son died they adopted a daughter.

In August 1907, Isaac Snowman left for Africa to execute a commission for the King of Dahomey. Subsequently, Pearl filed for divorce on grounds of statutory desertion and adultery, which was granted in June 1909.

Isaac, in the meantime, continued to build his career. He was commissioned to paint portraits of King George V and Queen Mary, and it was said he was one of the Queen's favourite artists.

Isaac Snowman moved to Jerusalem, where he had a studio over the Damascus Gate. In the riots that occurred in Jerusalem on 2 November 1921, Snowman encountered a mob and, while trying to make his way through with two friends, was stabbed.

The outbreak of the Second World War found Snowman on a visit to England and his failing health prevented him from returning to his home in Jerusalem.

Isaac Snowman died peacefully in 1947, and his funeral was held the following day at Willesden Jewish Cemetery.

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