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Pearl and the Pumpkin, The 1904 - William W. Denslow (1856-1915) - 256 images

Pearl and the Pumpkin, The 1904 - William W. Denslow (1856-1915) - 256 images

Artwork by William W. Denslow (1856-1915)

Digital Download - 256 images

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The Pearl and the Pumpkin is a 1904 children's book, written by Paul Clarendon West and W. W. Denslow, and illustrated by the latter. It was one of the more noteworthy attempts at literary imitation of L. Frank Baum's (and Denslow's) 1900 success 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz'.

The book was turned into a show in 1905. Initial Broadway reviews were glowing: “Its maze of beauty, of colour harmonies in brilliant stage pictures and magnificent and tasteful costumes, is consistent with its pretty, catchy music and altogether lively and interesting entertainment.” And while “the story begins nowhere and doesn’t get far from it,” the scenes, the dancing and the “amazing brilliance” makes you forget. But that brilliance didn’t save it. The show closed three months after opening.

We've included the full book in our download to help you get a feel for the story and make your own mind up to its quality. There are 16 full-page illustrations and countless small illustrations in the text.

This download features 256 hi-res images, in jpeg format, that are all 300dpi and range in size from 2556 pixels wide/tall to 4123 pixels wide/tall.

The pictures are out of copyright and in the public domain, so you are free to use them in whatever way you’d like, including commercial use.

Read more about William W. Denslow.

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