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Dufy, Raoul (1877-1953) - The Cat (from Apollinaire's The Bestiary) 1909

Dufy, Raoul (1877-1953) - The Cat (from Apollinaire's The Bestiary) 1909

Artwork by Raoul Dufy (1877-1953)

Digital Download - 1 image

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This lovely image by Raoul Dufy is from Le Bestiaire ou Cortège d'Orphée which is a poetic album of 30 short poems by Guillaume Apollinaire with woodcuts by Raoul Dufy, published in 1911.

This download features 1 hi-res image, in jpeg format. It is 600dpi and 5010 pixels wide by 5349 pixels tall.

This image does not feature in the Raoul Dufy 85-image collection.

The picture is out of copyright and in the public domain, so you are free to use it in whatever way you'd like, including commercial use.

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