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Constable, John (1776-1837) - Stonehenge 1835

Constable, John (1776-1837) - Stonehenge 1835

Artwork by John Constable (1776-1837)

Digital Download - 1 image

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'The mysterious monument of Stonehenge, standing remote on a bare and boundless heath...'. Constable himself probably wrote these lines.

This download features 1 hi-res image, in jpeg format. It is 600dpi and 5752 pixels wide by 3768 pixels tall.

The picture is out of copyright and in the public domain, so you are free to use it in whatever way you'd like, including commercial use.

There is a smaller version of this image in our 40-image Constable collection.

John Constable (1776-1837) was a British landscape painter who has left an indelible mark on the history of Western Art.

Born in June 1776 in East Bergholt, Suffolk, Constable was the son of a prosperous corn merchant. His early years in the picturesque countryside of Suffolk profoundly influenced his artistic vision.

Read more about John Constable.

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